Aug, 2020
The Prince William County Department of Parks and Recreation maintains PWGFS fields and is in charge of determining whether they are open or closed for play on days when there is inclement weather. The department makes its determinations by 3 p.m. on weekdays and 7 a.m. on weekends, with updates as late as noon.
PWGFS.net has two resources you can use to check field status: The link for the rain lines, and the link to field locations, which might be updated with their open/closed status. What you hear on the rain lines takes precedence over what you see on the site or on Twitter, and please look closely at the time of the latest updates on our field locations page.
Your team's coach will be in charge of communicating alternate plans if you are able to move to a dry field, or if you are canceling or rescheduling practice. The league will reschedule rained-out games and post them to the team schedule pages.