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Prince William Girls Fastpitch Softball

Prince William Girls Fastpitch Softball

Code of Conduct

PWGFS no longer requires signed paper copies of its code of conduct from each coach, parent and player. But each individual is still responsible for abiding by it, so familarize yourself with the code here:

As a Player, I understand that I must follow these rules to remain in good standing:

1) Respect the game, play fairly and follow its rules and regulations.

2) Show respect for authority to the officials of the game and of the league.

3) Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after games.

4) Help parents and fans understand the league philosophy so they can watch and enjoy the games.

5) Be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players and coaches with respect.

6) Be modest when successful and be gracious in defeat.

7) Respect the privilege of the use of public facilities.

8) Refrain from the use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol and abusive language.

As a Parent / Guardian, I recognize that parents/guardians are the most important role models for their children and sports help to develop a sense of teamwork, self-worth and sportsmanship. As such, I agree to abide by the following:

1) Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, fans and officials at games, practices and other sporting events.

2) Place the well-being of my child before a personal desire to win.

3) Advocate a sports environment for my child that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol and abusive language and refrain from t heir use during youth sporting events.

4) Encourage my child to play by the rules and respect the rights of other players, coaches, fans and officials.


SOCIAL MEDIA – In this growing age of social media, I will refrain from posting articles or images that are deemed negative, disrespectful, inappropriate or generally harmful to the well-being of PWGFS, its participants, coaches, umpires and league officials. Such actions will be taken seriously by PWGFS and could result in immediate removal of me and my family’s current and possible future participation with PWGFS.



Watch & Enjoy let the coaches’ coach.

Cheer if you like, but keep it positive.

Always maintain good behavior. If you do not have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.



NOTE: Code of Conduct violations are taken seriously by the PWGFS Board with the following course of actions for serious violations. SOCIAL MEDIA violations may be handled differently on a case by case basis depending on the severity of each case.


1) A verbal warning will be issued by a PWGFS Board Member.

2) A formal written notification will be hand delivered in print and via email copying in the Prince William

County Park Rangers.

3) PWGFS will ban the offender from ALL PWGFS related activities for the calendar year. (The Park Ranger may also impose more serious penalties)

Team Personnel Listing

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